Limited Liability Company
A legal entity which operates within the framework of general corporate legal provisions of a respective domicile. The owner's pooled liability is limited.
A legal entity which operates within the framework of general corporate legal provisions of a respective domicile. The owner's pooled liability is limited.
A entity specialised in managing the day-to-day operations of real estate properties for the owners of real estate assets. The entity may be managed directly by the real estate own ...
A fund which invests mainly in income producing investments. The fund will use low leverage, have no or very low development exposure and generate a high proportion of return throu ...
Costs related to capital improvements for an asset that lengthen its life and increase its value. This is an addition to any maintenance operating expenses.
Kosten im Zusammenhang mit Kapitalverbesserungen für einen Vermögenswert, die seine Lebensdauer verlängern und seinen Wert steigern. Dies ist eine Ergänzung zu ...
A commitment fee is a charge to investors on undrawn committed capital for the duration of the commitment period. This is seen to be part of the fund management fee.
Eine Zusagegebühr ist eine von Anlegern zu zahlende Gebühr auf nicht in Anspruch genommenes zugesagtes Kapital für die Dauer der Zusageperiode. Diese Gebühr wir ...
Debt arrangement costs paid to a lender, broker, or other third party, in connection with obtaining debt financing for asset purchase or financing at the vehicle or other special p ...
Kreditvermittlungskosten, die an einen Kreditgeber, Makler oder einen anderen Dritten im Zusammenhang mit der Beschaffung von Fremdkapital zum Kauf von Vermögenswerten oder zu ...
Also known as financing fee, this represents a fee charged by the investment manager for services rendered in arranging debt financing for asset purchases or financing at the vehic ...