Market Vacancy
Current vacancy rate for the market for the same property type.
Current vacancy rate for the market for the same property type.
Gross Sales Price net of any selling costs and expenses, and before debt. Selling expenses are directly attributable to the sale which are the seller's responsibility including ...
The gross sales price received for a property sale before deduction for selling costs and expenses.
Specialized housing designed specifically to accommodate the needs of senior citizens, but whose function is not primarily healthcare. Note: Senior Living facilities without medica ...
Self-storage units. Single and multi-story, basic or climate-controlled.
Typically 50,000 to 400,000 square feet of manufacturer's outlet stores, with a primary trade area radius of 25 to 75 miles.
Anchored by restaurants or other entertainment facilities, and oriented toward leisure and tourist-oriented goods and services. Typically 80,000 to 250,000 square feet.
Typically 250,000 to 600,000 square feet with three or more anchor stores that occupy 75-90% of the total area. Anchor stores are "category-dominant" home improvement sto ...
Typically 80,000 to 250,000 square feet with no dominant anchors, consisting of higher-end fashion oriented tenants.
Provides an extensive variety of shopping goods comparable to those of the central business district of a major metropolitan area. The anchors are three or more full-line departmen ...