Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Greenhouse gases (sometimes abbreviated to GHG) are gas in the Earth’s atmosphere that is the fundamental cause of the greenhouse effect which can greatly affect the temperat ...
Greenhouse gases (sometimes abbreviated to GHG) are gas in the Earth’s atmosphere that is the fundamental cause of the greenhouse effect which can greatly affect the temperat ...
Energy sources and specific clean energy technologies that emit fewer GHG emissions relative to other sources of energy that supply the electric grid. Includes solar photovoltaic p ...
District heating and cooling is a system for distributing hot or cold steam and water generated in a centralised location for residential and commercial heating requirements such a ...
The total amount of energy consumed by an entity and those deemed to be within its organisational boundaries.
The amount of energy used per unit of an appropriate denominator (e.g. floor area, persons).
The average number of persons used as a denominator of a building energy intensity indicator. For example: visits to shopping centres, workstations in offices, workers in industria ...
Categorisation based on the function or form of a building for example: offices, shopping centres, retail warehouses, industrial, multi-family housing, hotels.
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning
Legally binding reporting requirements for listed or non-listed companies. In the EU, these requirements include the European Accounts Modernisation Directive, which is interpreted ...
Codes for defining floor areas vary by location, building type and landlord-tenant arrangement, for example: common parts area, lettable/leasable area, internal area, usable area, ...