Leistungsvergütung / Erfolgsbeteiligung
Im Englischen auch bekannt als incentive fee, promote oder carried interest. Gebühren, erhoben von dem Investmentberater oder -manager, nachdem eine zuvor definierte Investmen ...
Im Englischen auch bekannt als incentive fee, promote oder carried interest. Gebühren, erhoben von dem Investmentberater oder -manager, nachdem eine zuvor definierte Investmen ...
The specific date, as defined in the Vehicle’s Documentation, on which the Vehicle is expected to be liquidated and all residual equity returned to the investors.
Der, in den Fondsunterlagen definierte Zeitpunkt, zu dem das Investmentvehikel liquidiert wird und das gesamte Kapital an die Investoren zurückgezahlt wird.
A multi-investor investment Vehicle which is legally structured as a trust.
Costs charged at vehicle level in connection with third party services such as accounting, secretarial, legal, tax and other advisory costs, which do not fall into another specific ...
Costs charged by third parties for guiding the design, approval, and execution of a renovation project, as well as construction process of a development project. These costs may be ...
A fee charged to the vehicle by the investment manager for oversight of a significant renovation project or large maintenance works.
A real estate asset.
Direct costs related to a specific property acquisition such as transfer tax, legal costs, due diligence or other closing costs. These exclude costs of running an acquisition progr ...
Fee charged by investment advisors, or managers, associated with the closing of a new investment. The fee compensates the real estate investment advisor, or manager, for services r ...