Estimated Rental Value (ERV)
The current rent at which space within a property could reasonably be expected to be let given current market conditions.
The current rent at which space within a property could reasonably be expected to be let given current market conditions.
Die unter Berücksichtigung der vorherrschenden Marktbedingungen für die Mietflächen der Immobilien angemessene Miethöhe.
Completed construction that is less than 60% occupied since the end of construction and has been available for occupancy for less than one year
The amount that an investor must pay (relative to NAV) if it wishes to subscribe to a vehicle.
Der Betrag, den ein Anleger (relativ zum NAV) zahlen muss, wenn er Anteile eines Fonds zeichnen möchte.
NOI plus other net income
NOI zuzüglich sonstiger Nettoeinnahmen.
A percentage of the tenant's total annual sales paid as rent. Percentage rent is normally paid after a predetermined sales level has been achieved. The percentage factor is the ...
Estimated rental income of vacant space / (contractual rental income of occupied space + estimated rental income of vacant space).
Geschätzte Mieteinnahmen leerstehender Flächen / (vertraglich vereinbarte Mieteinnahmen genutzter Flächen + geschätzte Mieteinnahmen leerstehender Flächen) ...