Net return
The amount an investor earns over the stated period after all vehicle-level fees and expenses including taxes and servicing of debt are deducted.
The amount an investor earns over the stated period after all vehicle-level fees and expenses including taxes and servicing of debt are deducted.
Der Betrag, den ein Anleger während des Betrachtungszeitraums einnimmt, nach Abzug aller auf Fondsebene entstehenden Kosten und Aufwendungen, einschließlich Steuern und ...
NOI / fair value of investment portfolio
NOI / beizulegender Zeitwert des Anlageportfolios.
The cumulative drawdown amount or the aggregate amount of committed capital actually transferred to a fund or property.
If an asset is acquired on a date other than the first day of a quarter, or sold on a date other than the last, the resulting measurement is said to be a "partial period" ...
Analysis of the performance of an investment against its benchmark. It quantifies and explains the returns of a portfolio when compared to its appropriate benchmark. It facilitates ...
See Cumulative Distribution to paid-in capital (DPI)
A measure of how much a return is unrealized. As the fund matures, the residual multiple will increase to a peak and then decrease as the fund eventually liquidates to a residual f ...
The remaining equity in a fund or property.