To guide the development and implementation of a public affairs programme that ensures European regulators and policymakers are aware of the contribution and importance of non-listed real estate investment to economic growth and job creation in Europe. The committee also actively supports the engagement of the INREV public affairs team in Brussels with stakeholders to promote the interests of the industry in regulatory consultations and policy initiatives.
Key Objectives
- Regulatory and policy initiatives - monitor and provide input on proposed regulations and policy initiatives to promote the interests of the industry in public consultations; current initiatives include SFDR, EU Taxonomy, AIFMD Review along with UK SDR and Funds Review.
- Training and events - support INREV in organising and providing expert content for the Foundation, Risk Management, Investor Relations and
- Communication and Fund Structuring: Tax and Legal courses and INREV events that include regulatory-related topics.
- Information - keep INREV members up to date on important regulatory developments, for example through the Tax & Regulations Guide, snapshots, monthly online Briefings, articles and speaking at events.
- Know-how - assess the impact of proposed and existing regulations to keep INREV members informed of their business impacts and act as a platform to share expertise with national and EU regulators.
Committee members are selected on the basis of their knowledge of the non-listed real estate industry and European regulations and policy initiatives impacting it; this expertise enables INREV to educate and inform its members as well as European policy makers, as they develop proposed regulations that could impact the non-listed real estate funds industry.
Committee members
Name | Company | Country |
Michael Newell (Chair) | Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP | United Kingdom |
Annachiara Torciano | Slättö Förvaltning AB | Sweden |
Anthony Claudius | Principal Real Estate | United Kingdom |
Arushi Khandelwal | PATRIZIA Global Partners A/S | Denmark |
Ben Collis | M&G Real Estate | United Kingdom |
Christine Ormond | Goodwin | United Kingdom |
Gerhard Mueller | Invesco Real Estate Europe | Germany |
Jussi Pelkonen | Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company | Finland |
Koos Beumer | PGGM N.V. | The Netherlands |
Marcos Gabriel Linares | Vistra Group | Luxembourg |
Pertti Vanhanen | United Kingdom | |
Szymon Ostrowski | Panattoni Investment Management | United Kingdom |
Tax and Regulations Monthly Briefings
During INREV’s monthly Tax and Regulations Briefings, experts present their insights and answer questions on the current regulatory and tax issues facing our industry. Calls take place on the last Thursday of the month at 9:30 am in Central Europe and 8:30 am in the UK.
Country by Country Guide
Since the global financial crisis, the European non-listed real estate industry is under ever more scrutiny by tax and regulatory authorities. Our handy guide helps INREV members improve their knowledge and awareness of existing tax and regulatory issues affecting the non-listed real estate industry in 17 European countries.