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Public affairs

Letter from Brussels

How do you measure the downside volatility of real estate investments in the worst situation imaginable? How far could property values fall? Put simply, that’s the issue confronting regulators developing solvency capital requirements (SCRs) for property investments under Solvency II as far back as 2009 and 2010. Read more


Welcome - November 2019

This Summer, we held the INREV Young Professionals Conference in Lisbon attended by 175 of the industry’s rising stars who are getting ready to run with the baton, and take the industry forward into the next generation. Read more

Young Professionals

The next generation

Non-Listed real estate is still relatively new in comparison with other more established asset classes, but this does not exempt it from the effects of globalisation, digitalisation and the rapidly evolving nature of how we operate. Read more


Embarking on a new index odyssey

The new INREV ODCE Consultation Index was launched at the Annual Conference in April. The index’s name, which is usually pronounced ‘odyssey,’ is shorthand for open end, diversified, core and equity. Read more

Sector focus

Lessons from around the world

During the INREV Annual Conference earlier this year we interviewed Bob Faith, CEO of Greystar but for those who missed it, IQ recently caught up with him about the growing interest among investors in student housing across Europe. Read more

Market focus

Keeping faith in real estate

After years of strong performance, investors around Europe are bound to ask if real estate can continue to justify its level of allocation in their portfolios. Read more

Staff profile

Alexander Brake

INREV recently caught up with Alexander Brake about his new role as Professional Standards Associate and the work he’s doing on Global Definitions and Guidelines Assessments. Read more


How to invest in uncertain times

This April we welcomed over 450 senior industry players who gathered in Venice for the sought-after industry event of the year, the INREV Annual Conference 2019. Read more

Member profile

Digital takes the platform

IQ recently spoke to Thomas Schneider, Founder and Head of Platforms at BrickVest, the digital marketplace for real estate developers, lenders and investors, about how the Proptech revolution is opening up real estate to a wider range of investors. Read more


Bridging the fee transparency gap

Since 2015, global partners INREV, ANREV, PREA and NCREIF have been collaboratively striving to develop a set of global fee and expense metrics, and soon we’re set to mark the advent of a milestone when the Total Global Expense Ratio (TGER) will be available for implementation by the global non-listed real estate industry. Read more